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Healing & Succeeding BLOG
The place where healing and big dreams come together!
- Created for trauma and abuse survivors, by a survivor.

Erika Sardinha
5 min read
5 Fundamental Rules on How to Love When You Didn't Have The Best Examples Growing Up
I come from a loveless upbringing. I mean, love was there but I never felt it. It was like all this love thing belonged to the soap...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
3 Reasons Why Childhood Trauma Survivors Don't Feel Like They're Enough (and what to do about it)
Like many survivors of childhood trauma, I spent most of my life feeling I was not good enough. I felt inferior to others and believed...

Erika Sardinha
3 min read
I Am My Own Savior: The Harsh But Liberating Truth For Trauma Survivors.
"The moment I realized no one was coming to save me, I became my own savior. And my dream life started to take shape" When I was in my...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
Deprogramming Self-hate: How my Crazy Dream Reminded me I get to Choose What to Believe About Myself
I woke up from the craziest dream this morning. In the dream, I was on a white airplane with other women when I realized I had been...

Erika Sardinha
3 min read
How Calling Myself a Survivor Helped Me Heal And Grow
If you've been reading me for a while, you know I'm a supporter of trauma and abuse survivors, and I consider myself a survivor as well. ...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
Thriving from the Inside Out: 3 Steps to True Happiness and Fulfilment as a Survivor
If there's one thing about me, it's that I have no regrets. A long time ago, I forgave myself for everything I had done while in survival...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
The Secret to Truly Thrive in Life as a Survivor
If you told me ten years ago that I would thrive in life, I would never have believed you. I was barely surviving, and thriving sounded...

Erika Sardinha
3 min read
The Secret to Thriving as a Survivor in a Fast-Paced World
I remember that when I was finally free from my abuser, at almost 18 years old, I was advised to sweep things under the rug and go live...

Erika Sardinha
3 min read
The 3 Reasons Why Survivors Should Take Self-care Seriously
As a survivor of complex childhood trauma, I don’t know much about life without trauma besides that “it must be awesome!” To be...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
Coping with the Loss of a Parent you Had No Relationship With
When I was a little child, I dreamt of the day my father would show up in my house, and just like Superman would save any innocent...

Erika Sardinha
4 min read
The Love and Relationships Guide for Daddyless Daughters
Would you believe me if I told you I am a double daddyless daughter? I know this sounds crazy, but it is the truth. I had two father...

Erika Sardinha
7 min read
The 3 Happiness Habits to Go From Numb to Happy & Fulfilled as a Thriving Survivor
When I started healing from childhood trauma and abuse, I was desperate for a change. I was worried about my emotional state because I...

Erika Sardinha
10 min read
How Healing from Trauma Empowered Me to Create a Purposeful Business & How You can Do it Too
When I was little, I lived in total abundance. Some days my brother and I would wake up to a table full of food and lots of sweets while...

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